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Integrating things, data processing and people for innovation.

Manufacturing 4.0, enables enterprises to connect through automation, cyber-physical systems, sensors, IIoT, cloud computing, and advanced analytics. It encompasses the entire process, from product design to order fulfilment and service delivery.

A key aspect of Manufacturing 4.0 is the smart factory, which serves as a primary area of investment for enterprises on their Manufacturing 4.0 journey.

Our Services

End-to-End Automation Application
end-to-end automation application
Production data acquisition
production data acquisition
OEE values for the manufacturers
OEE values for the manufacturers
Customized Integration Solutions
customised Integration solutions
Energy-Efficient data recording and visualization Solution
energy-efficient data recording and visualisation solution
Historian configurations and deployment
historian configurations and deployment
SCADA Engineering
SCADA engineering
batch and recipe management application engineering
Connection to laboratory instruments systems
connection to laboratory instruments systems