Business intelligence and Data warehousing

Home Services Products and platforms Business intelligence and Data warehousing

The success of a business depends on the business decisions, which in turn relies on the information in its transactional database. However, in the past ten years, data volumes have increased, making the processing and analysis of data more complex. According to the industry trends, the quantum of data is projected to grow further, producing many terabytes—even petabytes—of data in the upcoming years.

Atul Infotech offers thorough and adaptable business KPI analysis to support the expansion and achievement of our customers’ objectives. In order to aid in the business decisions, we provide data warehousing and business intelligence (BI) solutions that will efficiently manage the information assets and generate actionable intelligence for the businesses. We assist businesses with the planning, creation, and implementation of BI initiatives.

Atul Infotech specialises in designing and implementing complete BI and data warehousing solutions using 100% open-source platforms, without any capital expenditure. Our solutions can integrate data from any database, including spreadsheets. Additionally, our customisable BI dashboards can display metrics for specific departments or perspectives, tailored to the needs of the business

Pentaho BI

Pentaho BI is an opensource platform that provides the architecture and infrastructure required to build solutions to business intelligence (BI) problems. It consists of tools for reporting, data mining, data integration, and analysis. Atul Infotech utilises Pentaho BI to develop comprehensive BI solutions that deliver insightful reports, integrate diverse data sources, helping clients make informed business decisions.


Kettle Pentaho Data Integration (PDI, also called Kettle), is the component of Pentaho responsible to Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) the processes. ETL tools are most frequently used in data warehouse environments. Atul Infotech utilises Kettle to streamline data integration processes, ensuring efficient and accurate data handling for the data warehousing and business intelligence needs of our customers.

Job scheduler

A job scheduler is a computer application designed for managing unattended background program execution (commonly called batch processing). Synonyms for job scheduler include batch system, distributed resource management system (DRMS) and distributed resource manager (DRM).


QlikView is an in-memory business analysis tool. With its clear user interface, QlikView dashboards augment current data warehouses with a new degree of analysis, insight, and value. Data is delivered visually by QlikView in a contextual and straightforward manner. The expertise of Atul Infotech in QlikView ensures that you gain meaningful insights from your data, enhancing decision-making and driving business growth.

Pentaho reporting

Pentaho reporting is a tool used for creating pixel perfect reports. Pentaho reporting allows in translating data into meaningful information tailored to the audience of a business. HTML, Excel, PDF, Text or printed reports can be created with this tool. CSV and XML reports to feed other systems can also be created using this tool. Atul Infotech uses this tool to ensure that you can effectively communicate your data to stakeholders, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning.


MySQL is an open source database management system compatible with UNIX, Windows and Mac OS. It is widely used for web applications and has become a popular alternative for proprietary database system because of its high speed and reliability. Atul Infotech utilises this tool to develop and customise websites to meet the requirements of our customers.